Robert mays school 7
Parent Questionnaires
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Parent Questionnaires

We survey parents annually to find out their views about the school. 

In 2024-25:

We were pleased that out of the 197 Parents/Carers that responded to the 2024 annual survey, the overwhelming majority say that:

  • Their child is happy at RMS
  • Their child feels safe at RMS
  • They know who to talk to if they are worried about their child
  • RMS makes sure students are well-behaved
  • Their child either hasn’t been bullied or, on the rare occasions this happens, RMS  has dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively
  • They know what their children are learning during the year
  • When they have raised concerns they have been dealt with properly
  • RMS has high expectations for their children
  • Their child does well at RMS
  • They know how their children are getting on
  • There is a good range of subjects
  • Their child can take part in clubs and activities
  • RMS supports the wider personal development of its students
  • They would recommend this school to another parent

Building on the feedback we have received from Parents/Carers, we will:

  • Share more regularly with a parents a reminder about where to find key information e.g. regarding what your child is learning
  • Be training staff to refer more closely to the One Page Profile and how it is being used to adapt learning in lessons for students who are on the SEND register
  • Continue to grow the opportunities available for face-to-face meetings for parents/carers who have children who have SEND so that they understand how these children are being supported to achieve
  • Be reviewing the prep (homework) and marking policy to improve consistency of expectation
  • Remind staff to give parents adequate notice if and when an extracurricular activity is cancelled

In 2023-24, the vast majority of parents report:

  • Their children are happy
  • Their children feel safe. Pastoral care was seen as a key strength of the school
  • They know who to talk to if they are worried about their child
    (Please see our Safeguarding information if you want to know who to talk to)
  • Their children have not experienced bullying but feel incidences of bullying are dealt with quickly and effectively
  • The school communicates with parents on what their child is learning
  • That any concerns are dealt with properly
  • The school has high expectations
  • Their child does well at the school
  • The school communicates well with regard to how their child is doing
  • There is a good range of subjects available
  • Their child can take part in clubs and activities
  • They would recommend the school to another parent

Ofsted Parent View