We hope you will find this page a useful resource of where to find information and answers to some Frequently Asked Questions
We will be adding to this page regularly so if you have a suggestion for a question to be added then please do let us know!
General Enquiries
Where can I find Term Dates and/or Timings of the School Day?
Term Dates can be found under the 'Parents' menu, or click here. For lesson times, please visit our School Day Timings page, which is located under 'Our School' (or click here).
You can also find key dates, trips and events on our School Calendar (click here or visit the 'News' section.
I need to get an urgent message to my child. How do I do this?
Please call Reception on 01256 702700. We will then be able to take the message and deliver this directly to your child in class.
I've missed a call from school. What shall I do?
Please call back into Reception on 01256 702700 and we can check if this was our First Aid team that are trying to reach you. For anything else, the member of staff that tried to call you will call again if they still need to speak with you. Unfortunately, we are unable to trace calls.
How do we buy uniform?
New uniform can be purchased from School-Shop.co.uk. Second hand uniform can be purchased from Friends of RMS, which is our school PTA. You can find information about when they are on site as well as dates for their second hand sales on their page - Click here or go to 'Parents'>'Friends of Robert May's School'
What should I do if my child has lost something in school?
You can find our current Lost Property list here or go to 'Parents' > 'Lost Property'
Parent/Carer Communications
How do I speak to the Headteacher?
There are bookable times for 'Headteacher Surgery', which takes place every week on a Friday after school. The link to book an appointment is shared weekly in the Parent Bulletin as well as available on the website under 'Parents' > 'Communications'.
What should I do if I need to speak to a member of staff at school?
If you need to speak to a particular member of staff, you can email info@rmays.com and mark it for the attention of the member of staff, or you can email or phone to request a face-to-face appointment.
Staff are unable to see visitors who turn up to school without a prior appointment.
Where can I find communications from RMS?
You can find copies of emails that have been sent to either whole school or whole year groups on our website at: 'Parents' > 'Letters home'.
Our Parent Bulletin is also emailed to Parents / Carers every Friday afternoon and are linked via Facebook and Twitter(X) posts each week. Back issues of these can also be found on our website under 'News' > 'Bulletins',
What should I do if my child has been on the receiving end of unkind behaviour?
Please ask your child to report the incident to a member of staff as soon as possible. The details of the process the school follows is outlined in the Investigating Bullying Timeline.
School Transport Queries
I have a concern about the bus. Who do I talk to?
The school transport service is arranged through Hampshire County Council. You can find general information on their website here, including how and when to apply, as well as a link to update your contact details if they have changed.
If you have a specific query then you can contact the Home to School transport team on 01962 846924 or email: school.transport@hants.gov.uk
My child has lost their bus pass, what should I do?
You will need to contact Hampshire County Council's Home to School transport team for a replacement. They can be contacted on 01962 846924 or email: school.transport@hants.gov.uk. There is a £20 fee for a replacement bus pass.
If a student has forgotten their bus pass they can obtain a temporary one for the day from reception.
First Aid & Medical Information
Is my child well enough to come to school?
The NHS has a useful advice page: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/
My child is unwell. How do I report their absence?
If your child is not able to attend school, contact should be made each day by 8.00am. Contact should be made via the Edulink One App or by sending an email to attendance@rmays.com The email should include your child's name, tutor group, reason for absence and expected date of return to school.
My child needs to take medication, can I send it into school with them?
Please ask the First Aid team for advice, or go to the First Aid and Medical page for more information. This can be found under 'Parents' > 'First Aid & Medical'. There is a section about Medication and includes the form which can be printed off to accompany medication.
My child is on crutches, how do they get around school?
Please ask the First Aid team for advice, or go to 'Parents' > 'First Aid & Medical' where you can find a 'Use of crutches form'
I'm unsure if my child should have a vaccination I have given consent to. What should I do?
Contact the North East Hampshire School Immunisation Service on 023 8231 8831 or email sais@southernhealth.nhs.uk who will be able to advise you further.
Queries regarding Trips, Events and Parent Evenings
I've missed a deadline for a trip/consent form can I now apply?
Please email trips@rmays.com and we will follow up. It will be dependant on the trip/form type as to what we are able to offer in this situation, but we will investigate and contact you back.
I am unable to make a Parent Information evening, where can I find the information given?
For key information evenings for Parents/Carers such as Year 6 transition, Year 8 Pathways, Year 9 Options, Year 10/11 GCSEs among others, we will post the slideshow presentation and any other key information given on our website after the event.
General Information Evening presentations will be uploaded to 'Parents' > 'Information Evenings'.
However, information given at the Year 8 Pathways Information Evenings will be uploaded to 'Curriculum' > 'Year 8 Pathways' and information given at the Year 9 Options Evening will be uploaded to 'Curriculum' > 'Year 9 Options'.
A link to relevant information will also be posted on social media and in our Parent Bulletin before/after each event.
How do I change / cancel my Parents' Evening Booking on EduLink?
To unbook an appointment, parents must log in to EduLink One and locate the Parents' Evening Button. Following this, parents click on the Parents' Evening Event in the Parents' Evening window. Clicking on the event brings the parent to the booking window where they booked their time slots. Click here for further information and instructions.
SEND Queries
My child has an special educational need. How are they supported?
If the student has an EHC Plan we will use our best endeavours to implement the suggestions outlined in the Section F of the plan. The provision will look different from that at Junior school due to developing need to establish independence in students. If the student does not have an EHC Plan we will look to support the High Quality Teaching in the classroom through Learning Coaches in some lessons and some small group intervention depending on need and resources, and the curriculum.
When moving from Primary school to Robert May's there will be a transition meeting to discuss need and support, and as a parent you will be advised within the first half term of the support for your child via regular communication with the Director of Inclusion and Learning Support Team.
I think my child needs an EHCP. What should I do?
If you think your child may need an EHCP, please seek contact with their Head of Year and the Learning Support Manager to discuss this further. They can advise you of the next steps.
IT / Technical and Online Queries
How do I reset my Edulink account?
Please email info@rmays.com with details of the students name/s and tutor groups and a request will be sent to have the details reset.
I am having trouble registering or logging in to Edulink or Classcharts, what should I do?
Please click here for information on how to register and log into our communications platforms.
If you have completed all of the steps shown and are still having problems please email info@rmays.com, mark it for the attention of Data Team, and we can look into the issue and get back to you.
What can I do if my Chromebook won't connect to the internet from home?
Please click here for some helpful information. If this does not work then please email IThelpdesk@rmays.com for further support.
My Child has left the school, How do we remove the chromebook/laptop from the school system?
Please contact IThelpdesk@rmays.com. to request this. Please make sure to include the serial number of the device and the student name.
Catering Queries
What should I do if my child has a food allergy/intolerance and wants to purchase food from the canteen?
Our dining services are provided by Harrisons Catering Services. Harrison recognises that some children may have an allergy or intolerance to one or more commonly eaten foods and has robust processes to assist the school in managing allergens. If you have a food allergy or intolerance please complete this form
Your child should speak to the member of staff serving about their requirements every time they purchase food and they will check with the Catering Manager or Chef about the ingredients in the food on display. Please click here for more information or contact the on-site Catering Manager.
Facility Hire Information
How do I book the external facilities at RMS?
Please click here or go to the 'Key Information' menu to view our Community Lettings page, including information on the areas available to hire and a price list.
To find out more or to make a booking, please contact the Community Lettings Manager; Theresa Parker on 01256 393165 or email community.facilities@rmays.com
I use the RMS facilities externally and have lost an item(s). How can I check if you have them?
To view items on our Lost Property page - click here. However, Lost property through community hirers is usually passed through the community administrator before going into general lost property. Please check with your club organiser or email community.facilities@rmays.com in the first instance.
Remote Learning
What happens if the school has to switch to Remote Learning?
If the school should ever need to close (or partially close), we aim to switch to Remote Learning as quickly as possible. You can find a whole page of Remote Learning FAQ's here to explain how this works.
Wisepay - FAQ's and Problem solving
Parent Consents - What is asked for and how it is used?
Please click the link below for information on Parent Consents, how to change them in Edulink and how your child's information is used: