Return to Key Information"Trustees and leaders are resolute in their ambition for pupils"
Robert May’s School converted to Academy status on 1 May 2012 and exists legally as a company limited by guarantee with exempt charitable status.
The Chair of the Trust Board is Ms Anna Rigby. If you wish to contact the Chair, please email the Alternatively, you can write to the Chair at the school address. Our minutes are a public record of the work we undertake on behalf of everyone with an interest in the school. If you wish to read a set of minutes, please email the
Although volunteers, Trustees at Robert May’s School take their role very seriously and undergo a thorough recruitment process. We have high expectations and are committed to the school and its community. We want the best for all our students and staff.
In trusts, the purpose of governance is to provide:
- Strategic leadership
- Accountability and assurance
- Strategic engagement
The board has collective accountability and strategic responsibility for the trust. It has a focus on ensuring the trust delivers an excellent education to students while maintaining effective financial management and must ensure compliance with:
- The trust's charitable objects
- Regulatory, contractual and statutory requirements
- Their funding agreement
The board also has:
- Strategic and statutory responsibility for safeguarding and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) arrangements within (and across) the academy trust, ensuring the promotion of student welfare and for keeping their estates safe and well-maintained.
- A role in making sure that it delivers its commitment to other schools and academies, however it is done.
To do this we hold a series of planned meetings through the academic year and ask Link Trustees to visit school leaders on behalf of the trust board to review key school priorities and statutory areas of our responsibilities. Information is provided for our meetings by the Headteacher and Senior Leaders. We also consider reports from other sources as external verification about the school and we discuss the outcomes of student, staff and parent questionnaires.
In addition, we have an annual monitoring plan that enables us to have ‘first-hand’ opportunities to see the School Improvement Plan in action and to gather outcome evidence via our linked roles and school visits.
Trustee Vacancies
Who's who on the Trust Board
Correspondence from Chair of Trustees
End of Summer Term letter from Trustees - 2024
End of Summer Term letter from Trustees - 2023
End of Summer Term letter from Trustees - 2022
Annual Reports
Downloads & Useful Links
- Statutory Documents
- Members, Register of Business Interests and Attendance