Robert mays school 12
SEND & Inclusion
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SEND & Inclusion

The SEND Team at Robert May’s School are based mainly in the HUBL and Resourced Provision area.

The team works closely with teachers to ensure the best possible provision is implemented across the school. Our aim is to support staff in making classrooms fully inclusive and ensure needs are identified and met effectively.

Unstructured time can be stressful for some of our students. We offer daily support to a selected number of students, which includes a range of activities, which encourage and develop social skills. We also offer a quiet, calm space if this is needed.

As a non-selective mainstream secondary school, we recognise that students in our educational care have a range of needs and requirements. Some of these can be identified through educational screening, whilst some require a diagnosis form a medical professional.

These include:

  • Dyslexia 
  • Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC)
  • ADHD
  • SEMH - Social Emotional Mental Health
  • DCD previously known as Dyspraxia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Physical Disabilities (PD)
  • Hearing impairment (HI)
  • Visual Impairment (VI)

As a school we cannot diagnose these types of additional needs, but will respond to the advice provided by the professional team working with the families and students.

How do we support students with additional and/or special educational needs/disabilities?

We adopt a graduated response to need:

  • Adaptive teaching – it is the responsibility of classroom teachers to meet the educational needs of all students in their class through adaptive teaching, supportive resources and effective planning and implementation of the curriculum.
  • Advice and support given to teaching staff by the Inclusion of Director of Inclusion, The Head of Teaching and learning, through CPD for staff and through external advice from specialist teachers and advisors. This advice and support is used by classroom teachers in the mainstream setting to ensure lessons meet the needs of students.
  • Application of the recommendations outlined in the EHCP. During the application process of the EHCP and through annual reviews recommendations regarding means of supporting specific needs are made, which translates as alternative support. At times this could include use of an LSA in some classrooms to support a student, or could include some small group intervention.
  • IEPs - (Individual Educational Plans) - short term targets set that are discussed with parents and students and regularly reviewed throughout the academic year
  • Intervention Groups - students might be identified to attend a 6 week programme to support an area of need such as social skills, Occupational Therapy, speech & language
  • Additional support for Maths & English - identified and led by the department

It is important to note that students on the SEND Register will not always have LSA support in class or through small group work; it has been identified through extensive research that the best means of supporting students with their learning needs is in the classroom, through High quality teaching.

Working in Partnership

We wish to work closely and collaboratively with parents and students, and would urge that if you have a concern about meeting the need of a student, that you contact the form tutor in the first instance or the Head of Year who can support you in planning what to do next.

Meet the Team

Abigail gray

Mrs A Gray

Director of Inclusion/SENCo  -

Parker Lynne

Mrs L Parker

Manager, Learning Support Dept

Anna cruickshank

Mrs A Cruickshank

Specialist SEND Teacher

Alex hill

Ms A Hill

Specialist SEND Teacher

Upcoming Event:

SEND Open Morning for Parents /Carers of prospective students - Wednesday 17th July - 9.30-11.30am

For tickets please go to:

Send open morning feb 2024

Robert May's SEND & Inclusion Newsletters

RMS SEND & Inclusion Newsletter Issue 2 - May 2024

RMS SEND & Inclusion Newsletter Issue 1 - Nov 2023  Issue 6 - June 2023

Issue 5 - May 2023

Issue 4 - Mar 2023 Issue 3 - Feb 2023

Issue 2 - Jan 2023

Issue 1 - Dec 2022
Letters Home:


Useful links:

The National Autistic Society

NASSB Newsletter

ADHD Foundation The Neurodiversity CharityBritish Dyslexia Association

Young Minds (Fighting for young people’s mental health)

Scope = Equality for disabled people

SENDcast –  The Podcast for Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Appeer - Connecting Autistic Girls and Women

Paddy & Christine McGuiness: Our Family and Autism

Sibs, an online support service for siblings of those with a disability, special educational needs or serious long-term conditions.

Mencap - Guide for parents, families and carers

National Autistic Society  - Now I know Campaign


Our SEND policy can be found in 'Key Information' > 'Policies'