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First Aid & Medical
If your child has had a recent significant change in their health or a change in their medication please complete the form below and return it via email to info@rmays.com for the attention of the Lead First Aider or in a sealed envelope to the school office.
Please include any visits to the GP of health concerns that have occurred in the last six months to one year period. This will ensure their medical records are up to date and the school can respond accordingly in an emergency.
Children with Health Conditions
If your child has asthma, or if they have been prescribed an inhaler, please complete the Emergency Salbutamol consent form.. This will allow them to receive Salbutamol from an emergency inhaler held by the school should their inhaler be unavailable or unusable. Please note, this is only available whilst on the school premises. Students should carry their own spare inhaler on all school trips.Parents should also provide school with a copy of their child's 'Asthma Action Plan'. This form should be completed by a medical professional (asthma nurse or GP). Please note, students with inhalers should always have a working, in-date inhaler, clearly labelled with their name, with them at all times.
Students with Food Allergies
If your child has a food allergy, please provide written confirmation of the allergy from their medical professional, along with any treatment required. They may require an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHCP) which will be written in consultation with parents and the Lead First Aider.
Parents should also complete an allergy form and return this to school, along with written confirmation of their allergy from a medical professional. You can find a link to the allergy form on the Catering page as well as further information from our catering contractor.
Students should carry their own medication with them if required.
Students with Auto-Injectors
If a student has been prescribed an auto-injector for an allergy, parents should supply the school with a copy of their child's 'Allergy Action Plan' and ensure they have given consent for use of the spare school auto-injector. If a student does not have a plan this should be requested from their medical professional. Blank copies are available from the following website: https://www.bsaci.org
Please note, students should carry 2 auto-injectors and antihistamines with them at all times.
First Aid Room Procedures
The First Aid room is located behind reception in Invictus. It is open daily during break-times for non-emergencies and students may attend without a permission slip. Unless students are receiving treatment or are waiting to be collected by a parent, they will be asked to return to class at the end of break.
Students who become too unwell during a lesson to continue will need to be issued with a permission slip by their teacher before being sent to the First Aid room.
Please note: if a student needs to be sent home the parent/carer will be contacted by a member of staff; students must not contact parents via mobile phone to request collection from school.
Students on Crutches
Any students arriving at school on crutches should report at reception to discuss accessing the school site. Parents should also complete the 'Use of crutches in school' form.
The school will only administer prescribed medication with prior written consent from parents. The form can be accessed below.
Non - prescribed medicine, including paracetamol, will not be held by the school nor will it be administered to any student.
If the first aider covering the First Aid Room, is placed in a position of being aware that a student wishes to take their own paracetamol, they will telephone the parents to gain verbal permission and check that student has not taken any other paracetamol-containing products within the preceding 4 hours.