Laptops for Digital Learning
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Laptops for Digital Learning

“The school has made significant strides in its effort to establish a robust digital strategy that supports all learners. Central to this strategy is the integration of digital resources to enable adaptive teaching.”

Inclusion Quality Mark, Centre of Excellence, 2024

Digital Learning at Robert May's School

Robert May's School is committed to providing the best education possible for our students and preparing them for the wider world outside of school. We are passionate about ensuring that all our students can have full access to technology and resources that will support learning and develop skills useful in employment and further education. It is our vision and determination that every student is able to access affordable, high quality devices which they can use safely and effectively in lessons and at home.

In September 2023 we launched a scheme where all Year 7 students were using laptops in all lessons to complete a large number of tasks including note taking, research, coding, composing, design and photography. Laptops are a key tool in supporting our students’ learning and development. We urge all parents/carers to consider joining the scheme when their child starts in Year 7. 

Joining the Scheme

  • All students starting in Year 7 are asked to purchase a device through Freedom Tech.
  • Payment can be in full or spread over a period of 12, 24 or 30 months. Financial assistance may be available for some families who are unable to lease a laptop. Please refer to our Financial Assistance Policy and make contact with the school if you feel you would qualify for assistance.  
  • Each laptop is supplied with a protective case, a 3 year extended warranty, a 3 year advanced repair service, a loan device to use whilst any repairs are undertaken, school software, applications and network access and ownership at the end at no additional cost. 
  • Before each scheme starts, Robert May’s will decide which model and specification of laptop will be made available. This will be based on current value for money and the potential lifespan of the device. Experience from other schools has shown that all laptops should be of the same specification and be sturdy.
  • Parents/carers will be asked to collect laptops prior to the start of term to ensure they are set up and fully charged ready for the student’s first day of school. 
  • Further information regarding the Tech 4 Learners 1:1 Device Programme September 2025 is to be confirmed soon.

Tech 4 Learners Laptop Scheme

Currently available to Year 7 & 8 (2024-25)

Tech 4 Learners Laptop Scheme 2024/25

Click here for the Tech 4 Learners Log-in page

Tech portal login

Tech 4 Learners Laptop Scheme 2023/24

Teacher Feedback - How Laptops are used in Lessons:


“All work is being set on Google Classroom and the majority completed on the laptops. Practical work and assessed tasks are done in books.”

“Students have improved lots since the first week - saves printing (and therefore the planet!!), makes certain activities more interactive and the ability to use online quizzes far more frequently is great.” 


“The majority of maths resources are digital and the laptops enable the students to quickly and efficiently access these, helping my class to take ownership of their learning.”

“Students will enter the class, log on and complete 5 a day maths tasks or any other maths quiz that I set. This gives a calm and consistent start to the lessons.”


“Students are keen and eager to complete their class tasks and regularly and consistently make valuable contributions to class discussions”.

“Students are using their laptops to complete work in their online workbook. In addition, I can easily share resources with them to aid their learning, as well as using them for assessment for learning.”


“Students are getting quicker at logging on to different websites and learning platforms and enjoying playing music theory games.”

“Students are logging on to a learning platform called Teaching Gadget and learning basic theory of music through games and quizzes which are either timed or ‘fastest finger’.”


“Students complete most tasks on laptops in slides and we also use interactive websites such as Linguascope and Memrise which the students have been enjoying”.

“I have been really impressed with how quickly students have learned to use Google Classroom, Slides, Docs etc. At the beginning of a lesson, all students are ready very quickly with the slides they need for the lesson.”


“Students are doing the majority of their work in a ‘working booklet’ on Google Classroom.”

“Students are engaged and producing some very high quality work and I am able to spend more time supporting learning and less time handing out resources.”


“Students have adapted really well and they work together to support one another if they are experiencing difficulties. It does speed up learning without having to hand out resources. Students are disappointed when we aren’t using them in lessons!”

“Students have carried out research, completed tasks online, as well as quizzes to recap learning.”

Food and Nutrition

“Students are enjoying using their computers for theory lessons. I have been so impressed with how the students help each other.”

“Written work is set on Google Classroom so it is easy to find all in one place. Students are encouraged to complete self assessments on-line after their practical lesson.  These include an area to record family feedback on the product made”.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What will not change?

Students will still write by hand and use exercise books alongside their laptop. As exams are still taken with pen and paper, and because it is a valuable skill, we will ensure students have plenty of opportunities to write by hand. In many lessons this will be alongside using laptops and in some lessons laptops will not be used at all.

Lessons will be varied and flexible. We certainly do not want our students to spend all of their learning time looking at the screen. Teacher interactions will always be of the highest value, as will practical and interactive learning opportunities. Laptops will be used to enhance the learning opportunities but not where they do not add value to the lesson.

Students will continue to read, use books and textbooks. We have a thriving library and developing reading for pleasure is a key part of our School Improvement Plan. We know textbooks are a valuable resource. Laptops can complement this and will be used to provide access to an increased range of literature.

Why does my child need a laptop?

Our teachers employ a wide range of techniques to inspire, teach and support our students in their learning. This includes using laptops and Google Workspace for Education to enable staff and students to work together, learn and explore both within and beyond lessons.

Access to laptops and the associated applications improves learning in many ways including:

  • Providing tools to support teachers in effectively checking the progress of students inside and outside of lessons so that teaching can be efficiently adapted
  • Enable more teaching and support targeted to individual learning needs
  • Allow students to access presentations, examples and explanations multiple times
  • Provide access to far greater resources
  • Allowing teachers to give feedback on students’ work online and respond quickly
  • Improve the continuity of learning between school and home
  • Giving students the opportunity to collaborate together on projects through shared documents

These improvements will be possible because:

  • Students will have access to all of the Google resources all of the time, at school and at home
  • All documents are stored on Google Drive and are accessible from any device
  • There is a vast range of applications available through Google Workspace for Education

Further benefits include our students leaving education with even higher IT literacy which is greatly valued in employment and higher education.

Why can my child not just bring in their own device from home?

Not all devices are suitable for various reasons. Some will not work on our wireless network and mobile phones do not have large enough screens or separate keyboards. During this process we have consulted with a number of other schools and academies and without fail they have told us that all students having the same device is the most successful method. As a school it allows us to use screen monitoring software so that we, as teachers, can view all students' work in real time and support the individual needs of the students. It also ensures that software that is needed for particular subjects can be uploaded onto devices and our IT teams can become experts at supporting these machines.

Will my child bring the device home?

Yes. Students will bring the devices home with them each night and they can use them for prep at home. They are expected to charge them overnight and then bring them to school fully charged ready for use the next day. Students should place their device in their bag each morning ready for the school day. You may need to support your child to remember this each day.

What happens if my child forgets their device?

We will encourage the students to be as responsible as possible with their devices. However, if your child forgets their device we will have a small bank of devices that we can lend to individual students for use in school but which cannot be taken home.

Is it compulsory to be a part of the laptop scheme?

No. We cannot require this from all parents/carers. We do hope that the vast majority of parents/carers will do this as students will be using these computers at least 50% of the time in lessons for school work, assessment for learning, research and simulations.

How do I sign up to the scheme?

When the Tech 4 Learners Laptops Scheme 2025 opens, please follow the link in the flyer to the RMS and Freedom Tech portal where you will be able to sign up to the scheme. The portal will usually remain open until early August. If paying monthly, the first payment will be debited from your account towards the end of July.  If opting to pay up front, the payment will not be taken until the end of July.

When will the device arrive?

Devices will be delivered to the school to be set up. Arrangements will then be made for the collection of these devices by parents/carers prior to the start of the school in September.

Does the laptop come with a bag or sleeve?

Yes - all laptops come with a protective sleeve which students are encouraged to use.

Do I have to pay monthly?

No. There is also the option on the portal to make a one off payment if you wish.

What if I need financial assistance?

If you need financial assistance please contact the school. They will send you a financial assistance form and may be able to support you with the lease of the computer. Please see our Financial Assistance policy.

What happens if I miss a payment?

Please contact Freedom Tech if you have missed a payment using their ticket service Please note until your payment is made, your repair cover is not valid

What happens if my circumstances change or my child leaves the school?

If your financial circumstances change, it is possible you would be eligible for Financial Assistance support or you would have the options as stated above. If your child was to leave the school you would have the option to return the device or make the remainder of payments that would mean you would take ownership of the device.

What happens to the device at the end of the lease?

At the end of the lease you will own the computer.

Who legally owns the device?

Freedom Tech owns the device until the final parental instalment is paid, when ownership will transfer to you. If you elect to pay upfront you will own the device from the outset.

What happens if my son/daughter damages the device or it breaks down?

This is covered by the Guaranteed Repair Service provided by Freedom Technology. In the event of a device being damaged, breaking down or stolen then you log the repair claim at The Service team will make contact within an estimated 4 working hours (Monday to Friday). The student takes their laptop into the school’s IT department who will provide a laptop on temporary loan.

The repair centre will organise the collection of the device from school.

Once repaired the device will be delivered back to the school to be collected from the IT department and the loan machine returned.

How do I claim for warranty or repair/replacement?

You will be provided with policy documentation detailing what is covered. Given availability, the Robert May’s IT Team will provide a replacement device from spare stock held in school. Students will use this loan device whilst theirs is away being repaired.

What is the excess on claims?

There is no excess on either the repair service, theft or warranty protection. This is a huge benefit of this scheme.

Won’t they have too much to carry in their bags?

It is likely that students will carry less. There will be less need for textbooks as these can be shared online if students have devices. Students will be able to leave their books at school if they have a locker as they will not need them for Prep activities.

Can the device be charged at school?

No. Students need to ensure that their laptop device is charged overnight. If for some reason the device runs out of battery they can go to the IT support office and use one of the spare ones (as long as there are enough available).

I am concerned that my son/daughter spends too much time in front of a screen, and I don’t want them to do more of this at school. Is this the right decision for Robert May’s School?

The IT strategy is to enhance the learning experience not replace it – our students will still be equipped with all the traditional skills that Robert May’s provides but also ensure that our enterprising students are prepared for the future. Through the adoption of Microsoft Education packages and the Google suite we are working hard to ensure that the huge amount of progress made during the remote learning period is built on and developed in the classroom.</